Tuesday, March 16, 2010

gotta love the electronic age

the following link is a series of democrats discussing GW Bush's desire to use reconciliation tactics in 2005 to pass a bill outlining "the nuclear option." These same democrats are now trying to SHOVE an unpopular healthcare bill (current polls have it's support at around 36%) down the throats of americans by use of...you guessed it...reconciliation. Any use of this parlimentary trick is deplorable and a law should be enacted to plug the loop-hole.
It is a sad day when, for the first time in my life, I see the Government as being the biggest obstacle to the success of Americans. Politics should be about honor and leadership and vision, not about power, greed, and spin.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, and Diggs is reporting that the speech by obama saying that he will push for the bill to pass has pushed his approval level to an all-time low...
