Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mr Obama, what DO you believe?

For 2 years prior to the last election we heard the frustration of the american people about the governmental machine. the 2008 election was, in my mind, a referendum about politics and government as a whole.
Americans were angry and frustrated. We had an unpopular war (or 2) that continued to drag on for years longer than we had hoped; we saw neighbors and friends losing jobs; we saw businesses closing; we saw retirement svings plans evaporate; we saw banks foreclosing on homes. then, we saw our tax dollars given to the banks to keep them afloat, while the banks continued to foreclose on dreams and hoard our hard-earned tax dollars. This was a final blow to the resolve and patience of the American people
There was an internal cry for something different than the "status quo." As the people watched the candidates, they were caught up in the idealism of a government 'newcomer' in touch with the American people and full of hope, ready for change, ready to fight corporate greed that was so destroying our country.
And so, history was made. We elected, by proxy, a referendum on change.
The question is, what did we actually get?
A year into this new administration, built on the principles of hope and change, what has actually changed?
Bush said a tax rebate would stimulate the economy and it failed to do so. The public hated him.
Obama believed Bush was an idiot but said that a tax rebate would stimulate the economy and it failed. The public loved him.
Bush said that bailing out the banks might be a necessary evil and that to do so would stimulate them to write loans and spur the failed. The public hated him.
Obama believed Bush was an idiot but bailed out the banks at record levels, but no stimulation occured. The public loved him.
Bush said the wars in Iraq and Afghanastan were necessary for stability in the middle east and protection of American lives and interests. The public hated him.
Obama said Bush was an idiot but believes that the war in Afghanastan is necessary for stability in the middle east and proctection of American lives and interests.... the public loved him...and the international community gave him the noble peace prize. (?)
Bush left. The people still hate him.
Obama passed the most expensive bill in US history to stimulate the economy and create jobs, promising a quick recovery. The economy has worsened, jobless rates continue to rise, but now we have another trillion dollars in national debt to repay. The public loved him.
Obama promised that he would fight the greedy wall street bankers and moguls. Then he bailed out the big 3 automakers with taxpayer money. The wall street bankers and moguls were saved once again. The public loved him.
yesterday, an announcement came stating that Bank CEO's Dimon and Blankfein (both of whome received bailout monies) received collective bonuses of $26,000,000. Blankfein, who also controls AIG, approved $100,000,000 in bonuses to its executives last month.
President Obama issued a statement in an interview, about the bonuses, "I know both these guys; they are savvy businessmen...[I] don't begrudge people success or wealth. It is part of the free-market system."
Mr Obama, what, exactly DO you believe? You criticized G.W. Bush, but follow his economic policies to the 'T.' You berate successful wall street executives, so that the American people see you as 'in touch.' Then, you bail them out with the SAME Americans' tax dollars. Then, you tell the SAME Americans that you approve of thier multi-million dollar bonuses for a job well done. I personally, wonder how many of our friends and neighbors houses had to be foreclosed upon to accumulate the $126M in bonuses (at 100K residual mortgage per house, that's well over 1200 Americans that lost their homes so that these guys (who got BAILED OUT of the finaincial crisis of their own doing with our tax dollars) could get millions of of dollars in bonuses.... Again, what DO you believe, Mr Obama? Did I just hear you say that you don't begrudge success, wealth, and the free-market-system? Because you campaigned AGAINST these ideas. You portrayed them as evil and greedy promising to "spread their wealth around" by taxing them and giving the money back in social programs. Again, what DO you believe?
the President justified his statement by pointing out that some pro sports players make many millions/year. umm...ok...quite frankly, that might be stupid too...but at least I have the CHOICE to spend my money on a pro-sports games and merchandise.

In defense of our President, he really did have no idea how deep the troubles ran or how hard it would be to fix them...but that's what happens when you elect a leader with no leadership experience.
We wanted a 'newcomer' full or hope, ready to: make changes, fight the insiders, devise ways to fix the economy, and take on corporate greed.
We got exactly what we voted for: someone who had hope that he could do all those things...but without any practical experience to know how to get it done.
On the plus side, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have figured out a way to push the unpopular healthcare bill through the back door.... do any of these people really care what the American people think? I only ask because that is the platform that all of them ran on....

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