Tuesday, May 4, 2010

New Welfare Society

I've decided that it is time to 'give in' to the fact that we are going to become a socialistic, welfare state. So, rather than fight it, I've decided the better option is to embrace it...with a couple of minor changes. Here are my immediate thoughts:

Let's go ahead and have a public health insurance option (hey, it only creates a million pay-to-play government hand-out jobs, while unemploying 750,000 actual insurance company employees). BUT, I want to make a minor change. Approximately 4 hours wages are deducted from my paycheck every week to pay for my health insurance. Then, there are the co-pays and deductibles. So, let's make the new, improved, public option that is fairly distributed. Everyone has to work 4 hours a week for the government...public service, if you will. cleaning bathrooms in parks, painting benches, cleaning up litter, etc. Then, instead of co-pays and deductibles, additional work hours are added to make up for usage.
The beauty is that this program levels the playing field for every single American. This plan costs no consumer a single penny. Rich and poor are treated the same. Those who consume the most, 'pay' the most. The government program would cost more, but the government would be spending less money on public works programs. I love this thought.
Need a pap smear? Go work at the homeless shelter for an evening. Need a colonoscopy? clean graffiti off of sidewalks for a weekend. Need a face-lift? scrub toilets at local parks every weekend for a month.
Gravely ill, would create a problem. I suppose if someone was so ill that they couldn't work off their debt, it would be cheapest and most humane to just have them euthanized. Hell, work off a tummy tuck by euthanizing sick folks for a weekend....
Nah...that wouldn't go over well. Strike that thought, I'm just thinking out loud. Hey, wait, I have a BETTER idea for the gravely ill: Someone ELSE 'works' off their debt. Since some people already work 40-50 hours a week, how about we have the unemployed work off the debt? Hey, what else are they going to do...they're unemployed, they may as well do SOMETHING. It sounds ludicrous at first...but I'm SURE that unemployed people would not mind paying for the healthcare of their fellow man any more than 'rich' people mind paying for it now. In today's system the 'rich' pay for it out of their abundance of money...under my plan the unemployed pay for it out of their abundance of time. It's no less fair.... It might even encourage the unemployed to go out and get a job. Hmmm. Added bonus!
I thought about running for congress. how important do you have to be before you are assassinated instead of just murdered?

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