Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Today is the GOP primary in Florida. The media is pretending to be excited. The GOP is pretending to be excited. Probably the only person in the country who is truly excited is Barack Obama, as he watches the two front-runners dig up enough garbage to make sure that neither one of them is electable in the general election.
As an independent, this has been a tough year to watch GOP politics. In full GOP fashion, they have failed to assess the heartbeat of the nation. The nation cries, "We need jobs." The GOP replies, "We hear you...we don't homos to be able to marry as well!" The nation cries, "Help us to not lose our homes." The GOP replies, "Why yes, let's outlaw abortion!"
The GOP has sold its soul to the religious right. And its ironic, because it has caused them to advocate the very things that they once stood against. The GOP was founded on the principles of maintaining the basics of the "Republic." (No, we are not a democracy and we never have been; if you don't understand why, look it up.) The GOP gained its standing in the political system by promoting two basic ideas: First, that there needs to be a lean federal budget. Secondly, that the way to accomplish that is to follow the constitution, particularly the 10th amendment which gives all peri-constitutional rights to the individual states to determine. If this was what the GOP PRACTICED, I would be a whole-hearted Republican. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The GOP says that we need to trim the budget and cut federal spending. Yet, who was the last Republican President (or congress) that actually did that? They preach, "spend less" but they practice, "spend it on different things." They preach, "limited federal government" but they practice, "make federal laws governing social issues."
And so I sit, as an independent. I watch the past 3 years of spend, spend, spend (and control)...and then I have to look at the Republicans in the primaries who want to control, control, control (and spend).
I truly believe that it is time to stop electing career politicians. We are in finacial trouble. What we need is someone who has a proven track-record of making businesses work (preferrably without a bailout). Get the government out of social decisions and make them focus on what the constitution lays out as governmental duties.

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